Picking up the Pieces

Some days are like a beautifully tailored suit. They are like a smart blend of silk and worsted wool and lined smoothly like fine satin. They fasten and fit perfectly, remain pressed, and show no worse for wear. Other days simply come from together. The seams begin to unravel and piece by piece it frays away and soon we are pinning together the ragged edges of scraps from our day.

Despair. The morning dressed in radiant promise seems to have deceived us. We found ourselves zig-zagging through a day filled with lost buttons, weak thread, dull needles, and a broken zipper.

Immediately the enemy of our soul attempts to steer us against the grain and off the bias toward the fold of defeat and frustration. Our emotions on edge seem all too eager to allow our tired mind follow those loosely basted thoughts.

But God …

God, through His ever present Holy Spirit reminds us to look to Him. He reveals to us we are His workmanship and as we face the challenges of each day, He is weaving into us His own character. Our life fabric is being reinforced with the strong cords and glistening threads of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22).

When we lay our head down at night, we must ask God to help us pick up the torn and frayed scraps of our day and lay them at His feet.  He will. In fact, He told us to place our burdens on Him because He cares about us. (1 Peter 5:7) When we entrust those burdens to Him, we awaken at each tomorrow finding the opportunity to begin with a new and WHOLE day.  Yesterday’s sorrows are a memory and are not required to define how we approach today.

No matter the depth of our grief, sorrow, sadness, despair or the shallowness of our frustrations and agitations, God’s love, strength, kindness and compassion run deeper. Our Creator will always take us through the circumstance to the other side so we might begin fresh and renewed in Him.

We close each evening and greet each sunrise knowing this truth from Lamentations 3:22-25.

“The LORD’S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.

They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.

“The LORD is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I have hope in Him.”

The LORD is good to those who wait for Him,
To the person who seeks Him. ”

The key here is to seek Him.  Look to God in Christ and you will find Him.  It’s a promise from God Almighty and He always keeps His promises.

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I help overwhelmed people confront and collapse problems of the past and collect right information about themselves so they can connect to life and relationships in a brand new way! With her joyful, enthusiastic attitude, Leah has an exceptional ability to extract significant lessons learned from life-experiences and turn them into teaching points we can all relate to and help connect us more closely to Jesus Christ. In addition to speaking, Leah is a blogger and author with two works to her name, Faith Lessons: Experiencing the Miracles (Insight, 2008) and Success Simplified (Insight, 2011). She is currently completing a book project of her signature program, The VineSweet Connection: 5 Steps to a Fruitful Life, scheduled for publication later this year. Additionally, her radio broadcast, The VineSweet Connection, has aired on the Kingdom Keys Radio Network. A Licensed Pastor with the Church of the Nazarene, Leah serves as the Worship Arts Pastor at First Church of the Nazarene in Amarillo, Texas. Taking ministry outside the walls of the church building and serving the community, Leah has been invited numerous times to lead opening prayer at the City of Amarillo Council Meetings, led and served on community task forces, several non profit boards, professional associations, and ministry boards. Most recently, Leah was appointed Chaplain of the Amarillo Association of REALTORS and served as a member of their Board of Directors. She also served as President of the Board of Directors of Worth the Wait. Currently Leah serves on the Board of Directors of the Amarillo Education Foundation. Leah and husband, Mike, an accomplished musician, have served together in worship ministry more than thirty years. They have traveled in ministry and performed at many events, as well as having performed on national television. The Forts have been married more than 35 years and make their home in Amarillo, Texas. They have a daughter and son-in-law, Sydney and Chase Clark, a son and daughter-in-law, Lane and Neeley Fort, and six grandchildren.

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