Joy Sparkles

Joy is a diagnosis of LIFE!  Joy is not dependent on circumstance. Joy is a product of the condition of the heart. We develop a heart of joy when we choose to walk in the Spirit of God and put on joy everyday.  A pleasant countenance, a happy attitude, a smile, and laughter are its symptoms!  Joy is not about being the life of the party.  Joy means you have a party of life in your heart.

For me personally, my robe of joy has a giggle box in the pocket, as well as others in my family and our extended family.  When our family is together, we bubble with laughter often and with gusto!

My husband, Mike, and I were buying supplies in a five and dime store while on one of our mountain adventures in Colorado. He spied a mug with the word “Laugh” printed in large script, front and center, with the same word printed in smaller font all over it. He picked it up, looked at me with a sly grin and said, “Here’s your cup,” and he bought it for me. I still have it and cherish that mug.


When I was a teenager, a young man invited me to a movie. It was a slapstick comedy with terrific one-liners. Throughout the entire movie you could hear laughs, guffaws, snickers, and giggles from the audience and I was a contributor to it all. Afterward, some attendees were recapping the funnier moments as they were leaving the theater. It was fun and I had a great time!

A couple days later I learned the young man who had taken me to the movie reported to a mutual friend he was somewhat embarrassed because I kept laughing during the movie.  Thankfully, it did not faze me–in fact, I probably laughed about it–I mean after all, it was a comedy. What was I to do, sit in silence?

As I consider that time now, I realize how sad this person was fearful of the opinions of others at such a young age. His fear made him uncomfortable to let others who might be associated with him, enjoy something that was meant to be enjoyed. This young man’s fear of other people’s opinions prevented him from enjoying the movie and his heart attitude mandated he be embarrassed for others to witness his date laughing.

The wisest man who ever lived was King Solomon and he had some things to say about attitudes of the heart and its effect on our health. Solomon understood that people run the gamut on emotions. His creed regarding laughter is that it has healing properties. Solomon said, a merry heart does good like medicine and gives a cheerful countenance. (Prov.17:22&15:13) A cheerful countenance has the sunshine of a smile and the sparkle of joy in the eyes.

The grim reality for us all is that life’s circumstances are far from perfect. So we must choose how to respond. When we choose to wear the glistening threads of joy, we will feel better, live younger, and carry a sparkle of life everywhere we go.

Let JOY be your SPARKLE!