Points for the WIN! What the Bible Says About Overcoming in LIFE: Session 3

Happy WINS-DAY, friends!! 

Making final preparations for a speaking event this Friday, and woke up Monday morning with a very sore throat and struggling to talk. Got better, then worse. Today, I sit in a doctor’s office, waiting.


Breathing treatment, meds, rest, healing, and trusting the Lord for fully restored health! 

Here’s the thing: this is only a circumstance of the day, today. Tomorrow’s circumstances will be different. I have the opportunity to choose where to place my focus. We cannot allow the day’s circumstances to dictate the day’s outcomes. Our focus needs to remain on the PRIZE, the ULTIMATE GOAL, the GOD-GIVEN, LIFE VISION. 

We cannot allow the day’s circumstances to dictate the day’s outcomes. Share on X

Today’s illness is challenging. I am a speaker and singer, and booked to do both at two separate events this weekend. I need my voice. It is my art’s medium, the tool of my trade, the gadget of my gifting, the device to my duty, the engine to execute my call. You get it. I need my voice!

Similarly, in the account we are following in John 6, the circumstances were challenging. There were multiplied thousands of people who had come to listen to Jesus teach. They wanted to hear from Jesus and learn. All was good, that is, until it was time to eat. Everyone was there. Everyone was ready. The Challenge: No one brought groceries. 

When Jesus received the fish and bread the young boy brought, practiced gratitude to the Father for what He was getting ready to do, then served the people, the circumstances changed. 

As we discussed last week, we can help the circumstances of our lives for the better, simply by looking at them wearing the right attitude. The circumstances themselves may not be different, but our perspective will improve, and we can address the circumstances more effectively, bringing change.

Using what we have, we take action to continue progressing. Today, bronchitis prevents me from being with people. Yet, I can take care of some other things I need to handle in a quiet place. So, here I am in the quiet of my home office, writing to you.

Before I began writing, I went to the pharmacy and picked up my three prescriptions. I opened the bag, retrieved each container, and took the medicine. Actually, before I ingested any of it, I did one other thing. I read the label of each container. 

When Jesus was told about the boy’s basket containing the fish and bread. He told the disciples to have the people sit down. 

In verse ten, the scripture says, “Then Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.” There was plenty of grass in that place, so they sat down.” 

Lesson 3 in the account is this: 

Do what is prescribed. Follow the directions. 

When a doctor prescribes a medication, gives the patient clear direction, and the patient follows that protocol, he or she is relatively assured the outcome will be a positive improvement in the health of the patient.

Similarly, yet with absolute certainty, when The Lord directs us to do something, He already knows the outcome! Jesus knew there was plenty of grass for everyone to be seated on its green softness. He knew God was going to reveal His power and abundant provision to the people. He simply needed to prepare them to receive it.

So, Jesus directed the people sit and the disciples had them do so. No doubt, being directed to sit brought a calmness and tranquility to the crowd. Jesus gave thanks and distributed the food to the people. 

The result of listening to the right voice, that of the Lord, then doing what He said, brought abundant blessing to the disciples, and the entire crowd. The same thing will happen for us when we choose to listen to God’s voice and follow His direction. 

God Almighty is The GOD of ABUNDANCE. GOD knows the end from the beginning. When He gives us direction, He already knows the resulting  outcome of our obedience. We will abound in His marvelous presence, and will receive from Him what is needed for that time.  

Listen for Him. Act on His direction. Experience His abundant presence.

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I help overwhelmed people confront and collapse problems of the past and collect right information about themselves so they can connect to life and relationships in a brand new way! With her joyful, enthusiastic attitude, Leah has an exceptional ability to extract significant lessons learned from life-experiences and turn them into teaching points we can all relate to and help connect us more closely to Jesus Christ. In addition to speaking, Leah is a blogger and author with two works to her name, Faith Lessons: Experiencing the Miracles (Insight, 2008) and Success Simplified (Insight, 2011). She is currently completing a book project of her signature program, The VineSweet Connection: 5 Steps to a Fruitful Life, scheduled for publication later this year. Additionally, her radio broadcast, The VineSweet Connection, has aired on the Kingdom Keys Radio Network. A Licensed Pastor with the Church of the Nazarene, Leah serves as the Worship Arts Pastor at First Church of the Nazarene in Amarillo, Texas. Taking ministry outside the walls of the church building and serving the community, Leah has been invited numerous times to lead opening prayer at the City of Amarillo Council Meetings, led and served on community task forces, several non profit boards, professional associations, and ministry boards. Most recently, Leah was appointed Chaplain of the Amarillo Association of REALTORS and served as a member of their Board of Directors. She also served as President of the Board of Directors of Worth the Wait. Currently Leah serves on the Board of Directors of the Amarillo Education Foundation. Leah and husband, Mike, an accomplished musician, have served together in worship ministry more than thirty years. They have traveled in ministry and performed at many events, as well as having performed on national television. The Forts have been married more than 35 years and make their home in Amarillo, Texas. They have a daughter and son-in-law, Sydney and Chase Clark, a son and daughter-in-law, Lane and Neeley Fort, and six grandchildren.

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