Reflect. Recharge. Resolve.

Saturday.  If you have a Monday through Friday 8:00 to 5:00 type job, today is probably your day off of the regularly scheduled program.

Saturdays and Sundays, oh how we LOVE our days off work!

Obviously, many of us have varying schedules.  So, whatever days of the week your days-off-work happen, it is a great time to take time.  What do I mean?


Our days off work offer the time where our minds can reflect on the happenings of the previous week.  We can assess where we are on our goals for the month and for the year.  Are we moving toward our ultimate goals?  Where are we in regard to goals for our marriage, our families, other relationships, our work, and our spirit?  Take an allotted time to think on this.  Don’t overthink it.  Just reflect, because you have to allow yourself time to…


You and I NEED TIME to ENJOY!  Remember the adage, “All work and no play makes for a dull boy.”?  It is TRUE!  We all need time to relax and play and enjoy the PRESENT.  Sometimes we are physically in a place but our minds are not present because we have not recharged.

LET GO of things and issues that keep you from being present in the present.

The following statement’s analogy of our lives in comparison to what happens every autumn paints a beautiful landscape of releasing things that bind us to the wrong things.

The trees are about to show us how lovely it is to let things go.

When we hold on to thoughts and behavioral patterns that prevent us from moving forward or living in the now, we pay for it, as well as the people around us.  We miss out on them and they miss out on us.  So wherever you are, be present in body and mind.

Recharging goes beyond pleasure-seeking leisure time.  Recharging spiritually is VITAL to SURVIVAL!

Our belief system drives our world view.  As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, our world view is driven by living according to God’s plan given to us through His Word.

Recharging spiritually means we regularly seek the Lord’s presence individually.  We find a place of solitude, quiet our minds, focus, wait, and listen for the Lord.  The apostle James teaches us that when we draw near to God, He draws near to us. (James 4:8)  The other piece of recharging spiritually is to place ourselves, on a regular basis, with a group of likeminded people.

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.  Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.  And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near. (Hebrews 10:23-25 NLT)  

Worshiping together in a corporate setting energizes us because we are able to encourage each other in our walk, uplift one another in our struggles, and celebrate each others’ victories!


After we have taken the time to reflect and recharge, we are ready to be more resolute about moving forward.  We know where we are and we know where we want to go, so Monday morning, let’s get going.

Reflect. Recharge. Resolve.

What are YOU ENVISIONING for YOUR LIFE?  This weekend? Next week? This month? The remainder of the year?





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I help overwhelmed people confront and collapse problems of the past and collect right information about themselves so they can connect to life and relationships in a brand new way! With her joyful, enthusiastic attitude, Leah has an exceptional ability to extract significant lessons learned from life-experiences and turn them into teaching points we can all relate to and help connect us more closely to Jesus Christ. In addition to speaking, Leah is a blogger and author with two works to her name, Faith Lessons: Experiencing the Miracles (Insight, 2008) and Success Simplified (Insight, 2011). She is currently completing a book project of her signature program, The VineSweet Connection: 5 Steps to a Fruitful Life, scheduled for publication later this year. Additionally, her radio broadcast, The VineSweet Connection, has aired on the Kingdom Keys Radio Network. A Licensed Pastor with the Church of the Nazarene, Leah serves as the Worship Arts Pastor at First Church of the Nazarene in Amarillo, Texas. Taking ministry outside the walls of the church building and serving the community, Leah has been invited numerous times to lead opening prayer at the City of Amarillo Council Meetings, led and served on community task forces, several non profit boards, professional associations, and ministry boards. Most recently, Leah was appointed Chaplain of the Amarillo Association of REALTORS and served as a member of their Board of Directors. She also served as President of the Board of Directors of Worth the Wait. Currently Leah serves on the Board of Directors of the Amarillo Education Foundation. Leah and husband, Mike, an accomplished musician, have served together in worship ministry more than thirty years. They have traveled in ministry and performed at many events, as well as having performed on national television. The Forts have been married more than 35 years and make their home in Amarillo, Texas. They have a daughter and son-in-law, Sydney and Chase Clark, a son and daughter-in-law, Lane and Neeley Fort, and six grandchildren.

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